Who are you, anyway?
Integrated Project Delivery Alliance - IPDA is an alliance of like-minded companies who come together to get stuff done. We are action-oriented and focused on improving industry outcomes across Canada.
I thought IPDA was all about IPD?
Integrated Project Delivery - IPD was certainly the catalyst that initially brought us together. We are believers in the benefits of collaborative models in general and the factors that contribute to their success. We recognize that successful project delivery relies on a wider range of inputs and outputs than a contractual model alone; we are potentially interested in all new and emergent practices that improve industry outcomes within our three-point agenda of action.
How do you decide what to work on?
Our work is guided by a three-point agenda of action, and we invest our resources to benefit industry across Canada as a whole. The specific work of the alliance is determined at an annual planning meeting through a facilitated consensus-building process in which every member has a voice.
Where can I learn more about IPDA?
You can find additional information and resources all over this website. You can also find our board roster and list of member champions there and are free to contact them at any time.
This sounds great! How can I get involved?
You may fill out the membership form or you may contact Lynnell Crone, current president of IPDA, at president@ipda.ca or 780-993-5112.

Want to know what resources are available on our website?
Our webpage is a highly valuable landing spot for expanding and sharing your IPD knowledge and practice. We are constantly adding tools, videos and resources. It is the hub of all things IPDA.
This video is a guided tour through the IPDA website and the newly improved features and extended offerings.
Remember the webpage has IPD resources for both members and non-members. Non Members will even get a glimpse into the special website resources reserved for members only.
The webinar will also include a step by step of how to use Eventbrite and attend virtual/online IPDA events.